One to one counselling is offered to support survivors come to terms with what has happened to them. We offer counselling to clients both within Daisy Programme (Domestic Abuse) and also under The Rowan Project which is specifically for survivors of sexual abuse, including childhood sexual abuse.
Our counsellors work one to one with clients to help them to process what has happened to them.
We work to the BACP Ethical Framework (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy).
The counselling work will focus on helping clients to understand;
How the abuse may be affecting everyday lives
How to challenge the lies which the abuse and the abuser(s) have used, and the myths which may be prevalent in every day society
How to let out feelings in a way which is not damaging in a safe environment
Each client will be allocated a counsellor and the aim will be that that counsellor will work with the client for up to 18 sessions.
Counselling may be challenging work – it is important that clients are ready and comfortable to undertake the process.
All information shared at the clinical assessment will be kept confidential whenever possible – see our confidentiality statement.

"Counselling with Daisy has made such a difference.
I am gaining confidence, due to start work and a law degree next year. I am also actively involved with the Daisy Programme supporting the wonderful work they do."
"I seriously feel I owe the confident and stable future I now look forward to, to the Daisy Programme and it's invaluable support it has, and continues to give me."